Throughout 2023, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation is raising money for much-needed projects at all Texas State Parks. The Texas Parks & Wildlife Foundation is a non-profit organization that supports our state parks through fundraising, and they are working...
Fairfield Lake – The TPW Commission held a special meeting on June 10 regarding the Fairfield Lake where the commissioners voted unanimously to use the state’s eminent domain authority to purchase Fairfield Lake SP. This is an unprecedented action, and the...
Save the Date! – Plans are underway for the 2024 Texans for State Parks Annual Conference. The conference is scheduled for the second weekend of April 2024 at Tyler State Park in the north east Texas Piney Woods. More information will be available following the July...
The Texans for State Parks Annual Conference of the members is held each year for the transaction of the group’s business. The meeting is open to all members and non-members are also invited to attend. The annual conference provides an opportunity to help keep members...
Two Developing Texas Multi-County Trails Receive TxDOT/USDOT Grant with support of Texans for State Parks and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Two inter-county trails in Texas were recently awarded a total of $25 million through the Texas Department of...
Texans for State Parks Annual Meeting a Success! After being “put on ice” for a month, the Texans for State Parks 2023 meeting was a great success! More than one hundred people from across the state travelled to McKinney Falls State Park to hear a lineup of great...